We all experience them at some point in our lives. Whether it's a romantic breakup, the end of a friendship, or even a sense of betrayal from someone close to us, heartbreak can be devastating. We feel like our world has been turned upside down, everything we know is different now, and we're not sure who we are anymore.
But what if our hearts are closed to everyone after the heartbreak? What if we never let anyone in again? Wouldn't that be worse than being hurt sometimes? Being open to love—even when it hurts—is an incredible way to live a full life. The alternative is to protect yourself from being hurt again by completely closing off your heart (been there). But isn't that living life without ever taking any risks? It's like playing it safe all the time instead of taking chances and making mistakes along the way—not only does this lead to boredom and monotony (which isn't living at all), but it also means missing out on some pretty incredible things.
One of the hardest things about reaching for our dreams is letting go of the desire to get them.
We want what we want, and we want it right now. There's a lot of pressure on us to be happy, but if we're not careful, our pursuit of happiness can become an all-consuming monster that keeps us from ever being satisfied with what we have. When it comes down to it, happiness isn't something we have to chase after. It's something that's right here, right now—and it's also something that can't be held on to forever. I think one of the most important things we can do in our lives is to learn how to surrender: how to let go when things don't work out exactly as planned, how to enjoy the journey rather than focusing only on arriving at our destination, and how to trust that everything will work out okay even if it doesn't seem like it at first glance. I am re-reading the Sedona Method and the Untethered Life for the rest of my life lol. They talk about how to let go and surrender and my quality of life increased when I understood how to let go. We love the feeling of opening a new book and reading it cover to cover, picking up a new skill and mastering it, or learning something we never knew before. We love learning because it gives us a sense of accomplishment and makes us feel like we're growing.
But there's another kind of learning we don't discuss as often: learning not by reading but by doing. The kind where you're not just absorbing information but actively putting it into practice. This kind of learning happens when you take the time to try something new—when you go out on a limb and do something that makes your brain hurt in a good way. It happens when you have an idea and follow through with it—even if that means failing a few times before getting it right. It happens when you commit yourself wholeheartedly to something and don't let anything stand in your way from achieving your goal. Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are causally unrelated yet are observed to occur together in a meaningful manner.
In other words, synchronicity is when the universe shows you that you're connected to source energy (love). The "coincidences" that happen when you're in sync with source energy are the proof—they show up randomly and unexpectedly, but they make sense. You know they're meant to be there. When you're connected to source energy, synchronicity happens all the time. And when it does, it's usually in the form of something small—an encounter with a person who seems like a stranger at first but then turns out to be someone you knew once upon a time, an item that appears out of nowhere; an idea that pops into your head for no reason at all. These things don't have any logical cause or explanation, but they feel right because they're telling you: "I'm here! We're connected!" Synchronicities are messages from source energy, reminding us that we're loved and supported by something greater than ourselves. Since I found my place and passion in the world doing sound healing, I have received many messages from the universe. I see 11:11 every day. But it doesn't mean I will be successful in doing this business on a full-time basis. However, I have strong faith and I believe.
I am not saying you should do what I do; it's just my experience and how the universe guides me through life. This is what works for me right now. Find your path if you can and make sure it's in line with who you are so that when you pursue it, everything else will work out naturally and magically when needed. I believe that many things happen for a reason, even if we don't know why at first glance. Sometimes, even later on down the road, when looking back over time from where we live today versus where we lived yesterday or tomorrow... like looking back 20 years and you can see how the thread led you to where you are today. We all have a plan and a purpose in life, but sometimes it takes us longer to figure out what that is than others. It's important to remember to never give up on yourself or your dreams. Be patient with yourself and trust that everything will fall into place eventually. Never let other people's opinions get in the way of what makes YOU happy. Also, taking responsibility for your own life is essential. One of the best ways to do this is by making sure that I'm challenging myself with new experiences - whether creating contemporary art or trying out new places to hike. This helps because it keeps me centered and focused on what's important: growth. This quote by Einstein is almost 100 years old and we may not have seen the fruits of this prediction yet. But that doesn't mean that it's not worth keeping in mind when we're thinking about how to update and evolve our traditions and practices so that they can remain relevant.
Sound healing is one such practice that has evolved over time to be more accessible for people of different backgrounds and belief systems—and today, it's one of the most popular alternative therapies on the market. Sound healing uses music and sound frequencies to heal physical ailments and emotional traumas, as well as balance your body's energy. I have been playing and facilitating sound baths for people for a few months now, and it has shown me how passion feels. I am truly passionate about doing this work, increasing the frequency in others and hearing the feedback after the session. I am blessed.
When I play with my gongs, chimes, Shruti box, and crystal bowls, I feel connected to all of humanity in a real way—like we are all one organism with many parts. My role is to help support that connection by keeping my heart open and sending out love as vibrations through sound waves. When someone comes to me to get a sound bath, they are looking for peace and healing, maybe some clarity or healing from trauma or negative emotions held in their body. All of these things are possible when you come into contact with your own vibration through sound! I have found that the most powerful moments happen when someone comes in with an open heart and an openness for healing but doesn't know if they'll be able to find peace within themselves during our session together. And then…it happens! They find peace and the pain in their shoulders and back are gone after the session! They do heal! And then they tell me how much it meant to them and how much easier life gets after experiencing something like this. I love my life. The magical moments in your life are the ones you remember and cherish. The ones that make you feel like you've been transported to a different universe or that time stopped and you were able to live out a fantasy. They're the moments that seem random, but they're designed to be exactly what they are: magical.
It's easy to get caught up in the daily grind of life and forget how amazing it is—in fact, most of us do just that! It's so easy to forget that we sometimes must remind ourselves to step back, zoom out and look at the bigger picture. As you go through your day today, take a moment to think about what makes you happy. Is it a specific song? A favourite Netflix show? The smell of coffee brewing in the morning? Something else entirely? Whatever it may be, make sure that you take some time to remember what makes you happy and why it matters. I never thought I would be a certified sound healer in 2015, but now I am. I honestly forgot about this list until I found it in one of my notebooks the other day (the power of letting go and trying to control your goals). I usually do not write down my goals, but when I do, I surprise myself.
When I wrote my goals in 2015, "Energy healer certified" was at the top of my list. I was doing Pranic healing at the time and I have been studying sound healing since 2013, so I thought, "That would be a cool" thing to achieve. And then I did it! Writing down your goals is powerful because it helps you focus on what you want in life. It gives you something concrete to aim for, which can help you feel more confident about achieving those goals. But once you've achieved them? The magic happens: Your mind opens up a space for new opportunities and ideas. Your soul, spirit, and spirituality are the most powerful things you have.
And yet, we often neglect them. We work too much. We spend too much time on social media. We don't make time for the things that bring us joy and peace of mind—the things that help us connect with our inner selves. But when we look within ourselves and take a moment to sit in silence and reflect on what matters most to us as individuals and as community members, we find that our souls are filled with light, color, sound...and love! And when we share our love and passion with others around us, it grows like a beautiful flower that can never wilt or die. So take some time today to connect with your soul—whether through meditation, prayer, or sitting outside in nature. Or ask your soul what it needs and then make room for the whispers. I am starting my days with yoga stretches and deep breathing. Then I take my cup of coffee, look out the window, and just listen to the outside 'noise.' Usually, it is very quiet in the morning and the evening and during lunch, it gets slightly louder. I love the quiet; yes, my tinnitus is there as background noise, and it can be annoying at times, but nothing can take away the solitude of sipping my coffee, looking at the lake, and listening to mother nature. I deeply and will forever love you, mother earth. Thank you.
I need to start my day this way because it helps me get into a relaxed state of mind which helps me focus better throughout the day on what matters most for me to achieve my goals. I also have to practice deep breathing and use my sound healing tools. I am in love with my Koshi chimes. 'She' puts me into a beautiful frame of mind daily and I am obsessed! It helps me clear my mind of negative thoughts so that I can stop undermining my goals. Deep breathing also helps oxygenate our brains, which enhances our mental clarity as well. To listen like @sinnicasound on Instagram. If you wish for change, you have to act. If you want to be better, you have to do better.
It's simple, but it takes work. Most of us find ourselves in a situation where we're stuck in a cycle of doing the same things repeatedly, hoping for different results. We try something new, and it works for a bit, but then we get bored, tired, or busy, and we return to our old habits. It's like a broken record: "I need to change." "But how?" "I don't know." "So what am I supposed to do?" Well, here's what: take action! You don't have to change overnight—or even this week—but if you want something different than what's happening now, start doing something different today. Uncertainty is something that most of us have to deal with regularly. It's one of the things that makes life so interesting, and it's also one of the things that can make life feel overwhelming and stressful.
The thing is, though, how much uncertainty you can handle without sacrificing your quality of life is directly correlated with how much you trust yourself. If you're confident in who you are and what you believe in—and if you're comfortable with taking risks—then the amount of uncertainty in your life will feel less threatening and more exciting. |
Annica JohanssonMy name is Annica Johansson and I am an Artist, Art Life Coach and a Sound Healer. I am writing about personal development, daily musings, spirituality and depicting mother nature's amazing beauty. Welcome! Categories
February 2025