The Sacral Chakra is located at the base of your spine and governs your creativity, sensuality and emotions. The Sacral Chakra is associated with the colour orange and the element water.
The frequency of orange heals the sacral chakra by opening up your creative channels so you can express yourself in a healthy way. Orange also helps to strengthen your connection with others, allowing you to feel more connected to the world around you while keeping a strong sense of individuality. Further, the sacral chakra is associated with our ability to feel pleasure from all five senses, including sight, sound, taste and smell. It's also associated with creativity and self-expression, which can be used in healing when you're feeling stuck or blocked in your life. The sacral chakra is often blocked by shame, guilt, or fear. When this happens, you may feel disconnected from your body and emotions. You might also be afraid to express yourself creatively or seek pleasurable experiences. If you've been holding on to these negative emotions for a long time without dealing with them, this blockage could cause physical symptoms such as digestive issues or low energy levels. The best way to heal the sacral chakra is by releasing those negative emotions and reconnecting with your creative side through art projects or endeavors like cooking or decorating your home!
Negative energy is real, and it can be felt.
When you tap into different topics and individuals, you'll often be able to feel the vibe of a person or a subject. When someone is tapped into positive energy, they are more likely to speak with enthusiasm, positivity, and honesty. When someone else is tapped into negative energy, they are more likely to talk with anger/fear or practised 'smooth' talk to hypnotise you—and it's not just in their words: you can feel it in their body language too! This is not that hard to find. All you have to do is look at the people around you—at their actions and words—and ask yourself if they're helping or hurting themselves or others with their words or actions. Are they building up or tearing down? Are they creating more light or more darkness? Do they know why they're doing what they're doing? Or do they do things because "that's what people do," or because "everyone else does it"? Exercise your BS and fear mongering barometer. Imagine a tuning fork that is vibrating at the frequency of your home frequency. If you strike it with a tone, it will cause your personal frequency—the organizing frequency of your world—to vibrate across the space around you.
When we release tension and connect to our frequencies, we create an opening into which the cosmos can send us gifts. When we are in touch with our true selves, we become more receptive to receiving gifts from the universe. When we release tension and connect to our home frequency, we experience a sense of self-worth, feeling like we belong and are worthy of love. This is the key to living a full life in which you are empowered and able to love yourself, others, and your work. When you feel connected to your home frequency, you also become more aware of the energy around you—both positive and negative—and this awareness allows you to make better decisions about spending your time. You know when it's time to go home or take a break from what you're doing because your body will tell you that it needs rest or connection with loved ones. When we are connected to our home frequency, we experience a deep sense of peace and contentment. It feels like coming home after a long day at work—when you finally sit down on your couch, take off your shoes, and breathe deeply. Strong vibrational impulses are sent into the atmosphere when a tuning fork is struck. Dr. John Beaulieu, an expert in the therapeutic effects of sound and music as well as an authority on stress science, asserts that the human body may be "tuned" to achieve the optimum physical balance. All of the body's glands, organs, and cells are sound resonators, and they all react to sound vibrations.
There are multiple ways of using tuning forks. One way is to place them on pressure points, creating a relaxing massage. Here's how it works: 1. Place the tuning fork on a pressure point. The location of these points varies from person to person, so experiment until you find one that feels good for you. 2. Try holding it there for up to ten minutes. This will help put your body into a relaxed state that is conducive to healing and relaxation. 3. If possible, listen to the “Om” sound with your eyes closed as you hold the tuning fork on a pressure point for ten minutes or more; this will enhance the experience and help bring about positive results even faster! Tuning forks are an ancient and powerful tool for healing, and they're making a comeback!
We've all seen them before—those little metal rods with a handle at one end that you strike to make a sound. They've been used by musicians since the Middle Ages to tune their instruments, but they've also been used by healers for centuries. How do tuning forks work? When struck, the tuning fork produces vibrations that resonate at a specific frequency. If you hold it against your body or apply it directly to your skin, these vibrations can help stimulate the body's natural healing processes. It's theorised that this vibration works through the nervous system and stimulates receptors in our cells, which then tell our bodies what to do next. Tuning forks are used in many different ways including: The treatment of physical conditions such as migraines and headaches, stress and anxiety, insomnia, and digestive problems. If you're curious about trying this out yourself, check out the service section on this website for more information. Standing in your truth is one of the most powerful things you can do as a human. In this world, you have to be true to yourself—if you're not, it's like you're living a lie. And that's not good for anyone.
Being yourself is important because it allows others to know what they're dealing with. It helps them be prepared and aware of what they might encounter when interacting with you or your company. And when they know what they're getting into, they can make better decisions about how they want to interact with you and/or your brand. It also makes it more likely that people will stick around. When someone feels like they can trust someone or something because it matches their expectations, there's less chance of them losing interest or leaving because something wasn't what it seemed at first glance. Your intuition is a powerful thing, and you should trust it. If something doesn't feel right, listen to your body.
There are many situations where you might feel anxious or worried about a situation, but that doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong. It could be that you're being prepared for something good coming your way! If something feels off, though—or if you're getting negative vibes from someone or somewhere—it's best to avoid it and/or take some time away from the situation until things feel more aligned with who you want to be in the world. My intuition has saved me from heartaches, health issues, wrong career move, helped me move to another country, allowed new opportunities to enter my life and saved me from a narcissist lol. You know what I mean. If you want to strengthen your intuition, I suggest you research this topic and pick the source of your liking. If you think a particular truth is less important because everyone is not discussing it, think again. The truth doesn't become less true when fewer people talk about it—it becomes more true. When fewer people are talking about something, there's less noise to get in the way of your understanding. The more people talk about something, the more opportunities there are for misunderstanding and confusion.
So if you want to know about a particular truth, ask those who have experienced it firsthand rather than relying on the accounts of others. You may be surprised at what you learn! Forgiveness and freedom are both yours to claim today.
You have the power to free yourself from all the negative thoughts holding you back, and you can forgive those who have wronged you. To help you on your journey, let this mantra guide you: "I am free from my past. I am free from my present. I am free from my future. I am free." Finding your purpose is a journey. It's a process, and it can be challenging which you have heard before.
But it's not impossible. And if you're willing to do the work, you're on your way. So what does this mean for you? It means you must be willing to go deep within yourself and discover what makes you come alive. What makes your heart sing? What brings you joy? What motivates you? Once you know those things, they will help guide you toward your purpose. But how do you get there? It starts with asking questions like "What do I love doing?" or "What makes me feel like I'm making a difference?" Then take some time to reflect on those answers. Write them down, meditate on them, and think about them every day until they become more than just words on a page—they become part of who YOU are as a person with unique interests, talents, skills and knowledge about yourself (and others). Once these answers have sunk in, start thinking about how these things can be translated into actionable steps that will lead toward living YOUR purpose today or tomorrow. Having a purpose helps you feel better.
When we don't know our purpose, or if we think it's too big for us to take on, it can be hard to feel like ourselves. We tend to look around and compare ourselves to others, making us feel bad about who we are and what we do. But when you have a purpose—a goal that feels important to you and that you want to achieve—it can change everything. It helps your confidence level skyrocket: when you know your goal, you can start taking steps toward achieving it, which gives you a sense of accomplishment and boosts your self-esteem. When you have a purpose and goals that have meaning for you, suddenly everything else falls into place—you start getting up earlier and working harder because you know why. You start spending more time on things that matter instead of wasting time on things that don't matter as much. Stop worrying about what other people think about you because your focus shifts away from them and onto yourself. When you can walk in your light, nothing else matters. Having a purpose gives us all the motivation to get through the day! The root chakra is the first of the seven main chakras located at the base of your spine. It's responsible for many things, but mainly it's there to help you feel grounded and secure. If this chakra isn't working correctly, it can cause all kinds of problems, from depression and anxiety to eating disorders and addictions.
The root chakra is color red and associated with physical energy and survival. The elements associated with it are earth, wind, water—anything that makes you feel like you're on solid ground. The stones associated with this chakra are red jasper or hematite. If you're having trouble with this one, try meditating on the color red (or wearing red) and doing things that make you feel secure and rooted in your body: walking on grass barefoot, hugging trees or holding rocks or crystals close to your heart, taking long baths where you can relax every inch of your body while still feeling at ease in yourself. You're exhausted but can't stay asleep because your thoughts are racing. You're constantly tired, but you don't know why. It feels like there's a heavy weight on your chest that's keeping you from breathing.
It's no wonder you feel like this—you are feeling too much! You can't escape yourself or the world around you, making you feel like your energy is being drained away by every thought and emotion. But there IS a solution: setting boundaries with your emotions. When we feel too much, it's because we're taking on other people's emotions as our own. We are so connected to them that we end up feeling the same way they do without even knowing it! And then we get overwhelmed by all these feelings and want to run away from them—which is precisely what happens when we focus on ignoring them instead of learning how to manage them. So what can we do? How do we set boundaries with our emotions? The answer lies in understanding where these emotions come from and learning how to identify them for what they are: messages from our subconscious telling us something important about ourselves or someone else. How do you feel after talking to some people, drained or rejuvenated? If they drain you, shorten the conversation and see how you feel. We're all striving to live our best lives. We want to be happy and fulfilled and make the world a better place while we're at it. But sometimes, it can be hard to know what exactly is important to us—what values, principles, and truths we should hold onto no matter what happens. I think two things will help us hold on to these things: 1) Remember that they're ours. It's easy to think of your values as being something you were born with or learned from your parents, culture, or society, but they're yours. They belong to YOU! So don't let anyone else tell you what they are—if someone tries to tell you that your values aren't accurate or important or true just because they disagree with them, ask yourself why their opinion matters more than yours. 2) Reminding ourselves of our truthfulness. When we remember how much we care about the things that matter most in life—like family, friends, health, and happiness—it makes it easier for us not only to remember those things but also do the hard work of keeping them alive inside ourselves even when times get tough. Old temple of Athena-Greece.
Athena (the goddess of wisdom and truth) was the daughter of Zeus, the king of the gods, and, according to Greek mythology, was born fully grown from his forehead. As the goddess of war, education, crafts, and cooking, she was regarded as one of the most respected goddesses in classical Greece. She was also associated with agriculture and specific musical instruments. As per Wikipedia: "The Old Temple of Athena or the Archaios Neos[1] (Greek: Ἀρχαῖος Νεώς) was an archaic Greek limestone Doric temple on the Acropolis of Athens probably built in the second half of the sixth-century BCE, and which housed the xoanon of Athena Polias.[2] The existence of an archaic temple to Athena had long been conjectured from literary references until the discovery of substantial building foundations under the raised terrace between the Erechtheion and Parthenon in 1886 confirmed it. While it is uncontroversial that a temple stood on the central acropolis terrace in the late archaic period and was burnt down in the Persian invasion of 480, nevertheless questions of its nature, name, reconstruction and duration remain unresolved." Sacred energy is the life force that permeates all things. It is a vital force that protects us, guides us, and gives us the strength to be our best selves.
Sacred energy can be found in many places—the sun and moon, the water and earth. But we can also find it within ourselves. When you are feeling depleted or anxious, connect with your sacred energy! Close your eyes for a few moments and take deep breaths, envisioning yourself as a glowing ball of light. Feel yourself reconnecting with this powerful source of protection within you, and let that energy flow through your body until it reaches your fingertips. You can also use this technique to focus on others: imagine a beam of light emanating from your chest as you breathe in deeply; when you exhale, imagine sending this beam out into the world around you so that it surrounds those who need extra protection or support today (or just send it out into space). |
Annica JohanssonMy name is Annica Johansson and I am an Art Life Coach, Certified Sound Healer and Artist. I am writing about personal development, daily musings, spirituality and depicting mother nature's amazing beauty. Welcome! Categories
August 2024