Imagine yourself as a tree with roots that extend deep into the earth. Feel them growing deep down, reaching for the water and nutrients below the surface.
Your roots are your grounding source, how you ground yourself and ensure you stay balanced and calm throughout the day. When you're feeling anxious or frustrated at work, take a moment to breathe deeply and imagine yourself as a tree with roots that go deep into the earth. Let those roots draw up all of the calmness, balance, and strength they need from deep inside of you so that it can flow through your body and help you feel relaxed and confident again!
If you're afraid of success, it's probably because you're fearful of what will happen if you succeed.
You fear that if you succeed, you'll be punished by someone else. You'll lose the respect and admiration of others. You'll feel guilty for succeeding when others are suffering. You'll feel like you don't deserve good things in life. These fears are not unfounded—they come from a place of honesty and self-awareness, which is why they're so painful to deal with. But they needn't be your constant companions anymore! The first step is to recognize that these fears are real but aren't permanent. They aren't something that defines who you are as a person, employee, friend, or family member. They aren't even really about you at all; they're about other people—about what other people think about you, about how other people treat you when they find out about your success, about whether or not those other people will still value and respect you after they know that success has come into your life. The second step is to recognize that these fears exist because we live in a world with a lot of inequality: some people have more than enough, while others suffer from hunger or misfortune. When you become successful, make sure you pay it forward in one way or another. Being at service is, after all, the shortcut to happiness. Self-concept is how you see yourself. It's your perception of who you are, what you can do, and what you like.
It's also what stops you from doing those things. Self-sabotage is when we get in our own way—when we tell ourselves we can't do something, nobody cares about us, or we're not good enough. When we believe those things, it means we will never be able to accomplish what we want. Fear and vulnerability are closely related. We fear vulnerability because it means opening ourselves up to rejection or criticism—and nobody wants that! But if we can learn to let go of these fears (and some people never do), then we'll be able to find the courage to pursue our dreams and live a life full of purpose. It's time to break through your comfort zone.
You know what it is: that point where you feel like you're on the verge of something big, but you don't know how to get over the hump. You've hit a wall and need to find a way through it. The problem is, when you hit this wall, you tend to stay stuck there for a long time—in some cases, forever. But why? Well, it's because of the way we think about our comfort zones as being "safe" places. We assume that anything outside our comfort zone will be too risky and dangerous for us to handle. But here's the thing: Your comfort zone isn't safe at all! It's incredibly dangerous—to your growth, your success, and your happiness. And if you don't break out from within? You'll never be able to reach your full potential in any area of your life. So let's talk about how we can change this pattern so that instead of being trapped inside our heads or hearts or bodies or whatever else might be holding us back from moving forward in life… we can learn how to break through those barriers and move forward with confidence. 'The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem.' -Zig Ziglar I don't know about you, but I've been feeling like something's missing lately. I feel like my life is just… empty.
I still am doing art. Art is so therapeutic and amazing. But I miss planning for the future and seeing myself doing something else that makes me happy. But where did that desire go? Where did it get lost? The answer is simple: it's in cultivating desire. The more you develop your passion for something, the more likely you will have it—and you can cultivate anything. If you want to be a better writer, for example:
If I'm going to make this happen for myself—if I find my desire again—I need to start developing it today! When you let go of the old you, you're not just saying goodbye to who you were yesterday—you're saying hello to who you are today and who you can be tomorrow.
When we leave our old selves behind, it's natural to feel like we're losing ourselves. But that's not true! We're finding a new version of ourselves. We're becoming a person with more confidence, freedom, and strength than ever before. The only way to reach this new version of yourself is by letting go of the old version. And this can be scary because it means letting go of everything that makes us feel safe:
But when we let go of these things—when we stop holding onto all of our regrets or all the ways someone has disappointed us—we open ourselves up to find new possibilities for happiness and success. Time will heal.
It's easy to feel overwhelmed or like you're stuck in a rut when you're facing a difficult situation. But the truth is that time is the best healer of all—and it doesn't have to be extended. Just give yourself a little space, and watch your feelings shift and change over time. Push yourself. It can be tempting to stay in your comfort zone when feeling down, but sometimes our most significant growth comes from pushing ourselves past our limits and learning from the experience. If you're feeling stuck, try something new—you might find that what you learn from trying something new can help fill in some gaps in your life! Go for what you exactly need. Getting caught up in wanting more than we need out of life can be easy: more money, more friends, more love… When we're feeling off balance, it's important to remember that what we need often isn't something external at all—it's an internal shift that allows us to feel more content with where we are right now. Limiting beliefs are beliefs about yourself or the world around you that hold you back from doing what you want. They're often negative and hard to recognise because they feel so true, but limiting beliefs are just thoughts and not reality. They can be things like "I'm not smart enough" or "It's too hard." Sometimes they're just thoughts that pop into our heads without us realising it.
These thoughts can keep us from reaching our full potential, whether getting a new job, applying to college, or starting a business. They can also cause self-sabotage—like when you procrastinate on an application because you think it won't matter anyway. Limiting beliefs aren't always evident until we start questioning them. You can learn how to challenge negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones that will get you moving toward your goals. So how can you overcome those limiting beliefs and get on with living the life of your dreams? First, start by asking yourself why you believe what you believe. What is it about your past experiences that has led you to feel this way? Once you've figured out where those feelings came from, it will be easier for you to realise they just might not be true anymore. Then, take action! You don't need anyone else's permission or validation—just go out into the world and show everyone who matters how capable and amazing YOU are! Detoxing your life is easier than you think.
You can detox from the clutter in your house, clutter in your mind, and clutter under your counter. It's just a matter of committing to do it—and then sticking with it. Decluttering and detoxing your life will have a huge positive impact in your life (as you already know, but now you have to take action). The first step is to eliminate all the stuff that isn't serving you or your family. This includes clothes that no longer fit, books that are outdated, and any other items that have fallen out of the use or have stopped being useful. You'll also want to get rid of broken or damaged—you don't need something that doesn't work anymore! Next, take stock of what's left over in your home and evaluate whether or not it's worth keeping around. If you can't remember when some of the items in your home were purchased or used last time they were seen (which could be many years ago!), then perhaps they should go into storage until you can find room for them somewhere else in your life. Making room for new things will help you to breathe easier. Just thinking about getting rid of some stuff takes my breath away! When you find yourself, you take the first step toward healing.
Being present is a way of being that allows you to be in touch with your feelings, thoughts, and emotions. It is a state of mind where you are not distracted by external stimuli and, therefore, can focus on what's going on inside of yourself. It can be helpful to take some time each day to meditate, reflect on your life, or even sit in silence—whatever helps you connect with yourself and feel comfortable in your skin. The most important thing is being present with yourself, being kind to yourself, and finding ways to heal from past experiences so that you can move forward confidently into whatever tomorrow brings. Are the News Pushing You Toward Depression?
A lot of different things can trigger depression. For example, if you are constantly bombarded with negative news, it can make you feel like your life is hopeless and that there's nothing you can do to improve your situation. But this is not true! Though the news may make it seem like things are worse than they are, there are always ways to make yourself happier and healthier, even in the face of adversity. If you feel depressed after reading about the terrible things happening in the world, try to remember that this is only one side of the story. The media is not always accurate; they often exaggerate or fabricate stories just for a good headline or soundbite. You don't have to believe everything you hear—not if it makes you feel like giving up! PS. I stopped watching the mainstream news over two years ago. The best choice ever! You know the feeling: you're sitting at your desk, ready to tackle the next big thing—and then you start scrolling through Instagram and get sucked into the vortex of cat videos. Next thing you know, it's 2:30 and you haven't even read an email yet.
It's easy to feel like you need to be faster and better, but success is often found in the opposite direction: slow, steady, and with discipline. It's easy to confuse being busy with being productive. But if you're moving too fast all the time, you can't see where you're going—you just end up running in circles and getting nowhere. If you slow down and think about what's important to you and why your actions will be more deliberate and intentional. And when they are purposeful, they'll give you more control over your life instead of leaving you feeling like a victim of circumstance. Being patient isn't just good for your career—it also pays off in relationships: waiting allows people to come together naturally rather than forcing them into an artificial relationship because they have a deadline looming overhead (or because someone else has told them that's how things work). Patience also means setting aside short-term gratification for long-term happiness. Everyone's always talking about "being authentic," but what does that mean?
Authenticity is the ability to be true to yourself and your values. Authentic people are genuine—they're real, and they don't hide behind facades or masks. They don't pretend to be something they're not. They don't try to fit in with a crowd or follow trends just because they think they'll make them look cool. They don't worry about what other people think of them—they do what makes them happy, without worrying about whether anyone else approves. You can be authentic by following your truth: doing what feels right for you and saying what you think/feel, even if it might upset someone or make you look bad. Being true to yourself means putting yourself first, even if that means making sacrifices for others or doing things that aren't necessarily easy or fun for you but will help your family or friends in some way. Being authentic means being honest with others and letting go of things holding you back from being who you are inside (like resentments from past relationships). Being authentic isn't always easy—and sometimes it's scary! But when we're living authentically, we also live our best lives. |
Annica JohanssonMy name is Annica Johansson and I am an Artist, Art Life Coach and a Sound Healer. I am writing about personal development, daily musings, spirituality and depicting mother nature's amazing beauty. Welcome! Categories
January 2025